Frequently Asked Questions

We have gathered together a few frequently asked questions (FAQs) into this document. If you want to talk to us about these topics, or ask additional questions the best place is via Slack or by raising an issue in the support channel.

Where are the latest Adoptium® JDKs?

Adoptium’s JDKs are called Eclipse Temurin, and the releases we recommend for use are available on our latest releases page.

We also feature in all the notable Java installation managers such as Homebrew, SDKMAN, winget, and Chocolatey, we appear in official Docker images, and you can use Temurin through the Github "setup-java" action, and part of cloud providers' Java support.

Linux installers are available at For more information see this guide.

The Adoptium API cookbook has examples of stable URLs that link to specific or the latest Temurin JDKs and JREs. You can also promote Temurin by embedding html buttons code provided on the website.

Is Temurin free to use?

Yes. The Eclipse Temurin binaries are provided at no cost to you by Adoptium to use, forever, under the terms of the "GNU General Public License, version 2 with the Classpath Exception". You may freely use, modify, and share the code as described in the licenses included in the download.

How can I help the project?

The Adoptium team welcome help in many different ways. For example:

  • Anyone can contribute to the funds that keep the project running smoothy, either as a one-off donation or through a more structured project sponsorship.

  • Organizations that depend upon Adoptium are encouraged to join the Adoptium Working Group and gain a voice in the direction of the project.

  • We welcome technical and creative help at the project to advance our goals through promoting and marketing, writing blogs about your experience with Adoptium, answering questions in our active Slack community, helping to test the software or diagnose problems, and fixing some issues that have been reported.

  • Many other ways either as a one-off adventure or longer term team member, just join us and tell us your ideas!

How long is Eclipse Temurin supported?

Our release frequency and support statement is available here.

Has Eclipse Temurin passed the JCK?

Yes. Each Temurin release has passed the relevant Oracle Java Compatibility Kit (JCK) to demonstrate that it is a compatible implementation of the Java specification. In addition, Temurin releases must pass the AQAvit quality verification suite to ensure they are ready for production usage. AQAvit tests check the release exhibits great performance, security, resilience and endurance, and the ability to pass a wide variety of application compatibility tests.

Where do I report a bug or problem with Eclipse Temurin?

If you suspect a security vulnerability with any product of the Adoptium project, please send a report to the Eclipse Security Team who will manage and track the issue privately until it is resolved.

Where something is simply not behaving as you expect or you have questions about how to configure Temurin please let us know publicaly by opening a support issue and we will work with you to seek a solution. Our support is "community support" so problems are addressed on a best effort basis. You should approach organizations offering commercial support if you require a guaranteed service-level for your Java usage.

Can you deliver Temurin with my favorite Docker base OS image?

We have a set list of variants in our official Docker repository to ensure we are responsive to the delivery of new images containing Temurin. Docker collaborates with Adoptium to decide which base operating system container versions they will support for Temurin.

Users who want a containerized Linux distribution that we don’t provide can follow the instructions in this guide.

My scanner reports a CVE in the Eclipse Temurin Docker image. Can you fix it?

The Temurin container images available on Docker Hub are official images created and maintained as a collaborative effort between the Adoptium project and Docker, Inc. Adoptium creates, maintains, and tests a broad set of Temurin Dockerfile source files which are used by Docker to create official images across various base operating systems.

Docker strives to ensure that the Temurin images contain the most up-to-date packages available within a reasonable time frame. Docker has their own robust vulnerability scanning program, however, a third-party security scanner may flag an issue with an official image. Docker have addressed various reasons this may happen in their FAQ. We are grateful to Docker for continuing to refresh the base images and rebuild the official images on a regular basis.

We are happy to receive questions about the eclipse-temurin images, but note that in some cases we will need to refer the issue to Docker where it relates to the base operating system.

Will you support my favorite architecture and operating system?

Eclipse Temurin has the broadest range of platfom support across multiple Java API versions. Each new platform incurs further cost and demand on the project’s resources so we constantly review the download and usage demand to ensure we are releasing on platforms relevant to a large set of users. The current set of platforms we target in our build and test process is listed here.

Can I automate the download of Temurin binaries?

Yes! There is a rich download API provided by Adoptium for downloading Eclipse Temurin builds. Using the API it is possible to get information about the latest builds of Temurin, and pull them down into your own application.

What is this "Eclipse Temurin" name?

This is the project and brand name for the binaries that the Eclipse Foundation produces. While we appreciate that the Adoptium/Temurin name split is more confusing than just "Adoptium", this is similar to how other vendors brand their binaries, e.g. Amazon has Corretto, Azul has Zulu (and others). The "Adoptium" project and working group will deal with more than just Temurin so the distinction is important to maintain.

What happened to AdoptOpenJDK?

The AdoptOpenJDK builds are now known as "Eclipse Temurin by Adoptium"(read the blog post). Don’t worry though - despite the branding changes it is the same open build processes, AQAvit test suites and primarily the same team producing them as before, but there are more larger companies bringing their expertise to the working group.

To ensure a smooth transition we have left the old site active, however, the links to latest builds on the old site will now bring you to the Temurin builds. In time the old website will be fully retired.

Some items, such as the Upstream builds and IcedTea-WEB remain only available via AdoptOpenJDK.

Where are the OpenJ9 builds?

The transition to Adoptium means we have unfortunately not been able to continue to distribute builds of Eclipse OpenJ9. IBM has now taken them over and they are now available as "IBM Semeru". There is no need to be concerned about the change - it is still free.

Why do the packages not include IcedTea-Web?

The agreements that we have since moving under the Eclipse Foundation mean that we can no longer include IcedTea-Web in our installers. However, you can still add the functionality if you require it using the instructions here.

Can you give a talk on the project?

The people involved in the project are passionate about promoting it and we are keen to find ways to promote the work we do at Adoptium and with the Temurin binaries so feel free to get in touch with us if you have a forum you wish us to participate in and we will see what we can do. In general contacting the team via Slack is the best way to engage with us.

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Connect with the community

Eclipse Temurin offers high-performance, cross-platform, open-source Java runtime binaries that are enterprise-ready and Java SE TCK-tested for general use in the Java ecosystem.

Frequently asked questions

Eclipse Temurin offers high-performance, cross-platform, open-source Java runtime.

Have a question that hasn’t been answered? Get in touch

Where are the latest Adoptium® JDKs?

Where are the latest Adoptium® JDKs?

Where are the latest Adoptium® JDKs?

Where are the latest Adoptium® JDKs?

Where are the latest Adoptium® JDKs?

Where are the latest Adoptium® JDKs?

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